Tourette Syndrome – when involuntary twitching is not a bad habit

June 7, 2022
In conjunction with Tourette’s Awareness Day, this report on Tourette Syndrome (TS) raises awareness on the disease. Dr Dr Yeo Tong Hong, Head and Senior Consultant, Neurology Service, Department of Paediatrics, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) shared about the challenges in diagnosing TS, and some of the internationally agreed diagnostic criteria. Dr Yeo also shared some ways to manage and cope with TS, even though there is no treatment to completely cure TS. Current therapies focus on treating the mind, as well as the brain. He also shared some ways for caregivers to help TS patients cope better such as providing adequate reassurance and understanding, and keeping a diary of the types of tics, with the frequency and possible triggers. The report also features a patient profile, along with specialist views from National Neuroscience Institute and Khoo Teck Puat – National University Children’s Medical Institute.
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